Welcome to my webpage. Currently I am leading an effort in hybrid quantum systems aiming at combining superconducting circuits and spins. The lab is part of the Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information at the University of Science and Technology of China.
Growing up in Switzerland, I studied physics at the federal institue of technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and received my diploma in 1997. Then I moved to the Netherlands and worked the TUDelft under the supervision of Hans Mooij. I received my PhD in 2002 with the thesis "Superconducting Quantum Circuits". After that I moved to the United States where I joined the group of Rob Schoelkopf at Yale. We studied superconducting quantum bits and their coupling to a cavity which lead to the new field of circuit QED.
In 2020 I started a new lab at the Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information of the University of Science and Technology of China. If you interested in joining the lab, please contact me.
We measured superradiance with our hybrid system. The article has just appeared in Nature Physics:
Superradiant emission from colour centres in diamond
Andreas Angerer, Kirill Streltsov, Thomas Astner, Stefan Putz, Hitoshi Sumiya, Shinobu Onoda, Junichi Isoya, William J. Munro, Kae Nemoto, Jörg Schmiedmayer & Johannes Majer
Please refer to the press release of the TU Wien
Check out the coverage at science.orf.at, der Standard
Solid-state electron spin lifetime limited by phononic vacuum modes
T. Astner, J. Gugler, A. Angerer, S. Wald, S. Putz, N. J. Mauser, M. Trupke, H. Sumiya, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, J. Schmiedmayer, P. Mohn & J. Majer
Nature Materials 17, 313–317 (2018)
We managed to couple two distant diamonds with a superconducting cavity. The work is published in Physical Review Letters and is chosen as an "Editor's Suggestion"
Coherent Coupling of Remote Spin Ensembles via a Cavity Bus
T. Astner, S. Nevlacsil, N. Peterschofsky, A. Angerer, S. Rotter, S. Putz, J. Schmiedmayer, and J. Majer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 140502 (2017)
You find more information and an explenation for a general audience on the TU Wien Homepage, in German
and in English
(Photo: Thomas Srdinko)
Our work on the "Spectral hole burning and its application in microwave photonics" has now appeared in Nature Photonics:
Spectral hole burning and its application in microwave photonics
Stefan Putz, Andreas Angerer, Dmitry O. Krimer, Ralph Glattauer, William J. Munro, Stefan Rotter, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Johannes Majer
Nature Photonics 11, 36–39 (2017)
You find more information on the TU Wien Homepage. http://www.tuwien.ac.at/aktuelles/news_detail/article/124550/
Smooth Optimal Quantum Control for Robust Solid-State Spin Magnetometry
Tobias Nöbauer, Andreas Angerer, Bj\"orn Bartels, Michael Trupke, Stefan Rotter, J\"org Schmiedmayer, Florian Mintert, and Johannes Majer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 190801 (2015)
You find more information on the TU Wien Homepage. https://www.tuwien.ac.at/aktuelles/news_detail/article/9775/
Today our work on the cavity protection effect has been published in Nature Physics:
Protecting a spin ensemble against decoherence in the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED,
S. Putz, D. O. Krimer, R. Amsüss, A. Valookaran, T. Nöbauer, J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter, J. Majer, Nature Physics (2014) doi:10.1038/nphys3050
Also see the News and Views article by Klaus Molmer Quantum memory: Needle in a haystack
You find more information on the TU Wien Homepage. "Cavity Protection Effect" macht Quanteninformation langlebig
Check out my Google Scholar Profile, ResearcherID, arXiv.org